
I think my carpal tunnel syndrome is back. It started yesterday and it has gone on today as well. I have no idea what triggered it although it could have been stress and exhaustion. So, I stayed home today and did absolutely nothing at all. Well, not exactly nothing.
I made a pancake tower with nutella and some berry jam. I played AC:WW on my nintendo and read a few chapters of my new book ("the elephant vanishes" by Haruki Murakami). I also cleaned the kitchen and my room and studied Swedish. 

On another note I think I'm starting to feel much more at home here. I haven't been home sick in a while and I'm starting to look forward to each day unlike before. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I have friends in my new courses and I have things to keep me busy during the week and also the weekend. I'm not saying that I feel like I want to stay here forever but things have gotten a lot better than before. One thing is for sure though, I don't see myself going back to Greece. At least not for a long time.